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Amplified Intelligence API offerings include:

attentionPLAN® - Attention data

The Attention data endpoints provide attention data across a variety of advertising channels and formats.

Developers can use these endpoints to:

  • Query aggregated attention data for a given channel.
  • Get attention data split by advert format collected for a given channel.
  • Filter data by country, age group, gender, time of day, day of week, ad type, ad length, and MRC standard to receive tailored data for your campaign.
  • Retrieve channel's average brand uplift value

Example data for the Attention data endpoint:


"channels": [
"ad_channel_code": "facebook"
"ad_format_codes": [""]
"countries": ["au", "uk", "us"],
"age_groups": ["18-24", "25-34", "35-44"],
"genders": ["male", "female", "other"],
"times_of_day": ["pre-morning", "morning, "afternoon", "evening"],
"days_of_week": ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday","friday"],
"ad_types": ["video"],
"min_ad_length_seconds": 0,
"max_ad_length_seconds": 5
"is_only_mrc_compliant": true


"ad_channel": {
"name": "Facebook",
"code": "facebook"
"ad_format": {
"name": "In-stream video",
"code": ""
"average_active_attention_seconds": 3.00,
"average_passive_attention_seconds": 5.00,
"average_inactive_attention_seconds": 2.00,
"average_ad_length_seconds": 5.00,
"average_ad_time_on_screen_seconds": 10.00

View all available ad channels, formats and other API specification for the Attention data endpoints here.

attentionPLAN® - Attention-adjusted® reach curve

The Attention-adjusted® reach curve endpoint provides a reach curve with reach values that are curated based on attention data, giving you a view of the attentive, high value audience. With the attention-adjusted® reach curve, you get an attentive reach curve where every impression reaches a certain threshold of attention.

Developers can retrieve a channel's predicted attentive reach curve based on:

  • Advertising formats and budget allocation.
  • Attention data within a specific country, age group, gender.
  • Attention second threshold and attention type.

Example of a visualised baseline and an attention-adjusted reach curve returned via the endpoint: Attention-adjusted reach curve

Example data for the Attention-adjusted® reach curve endpoint:


"countries": ["be", "de", "fr", "gb"],
"age_groups": ["18-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55+"],
"genders": ["male", "female", "other"],
"attention_types": "active",
"attention_seconds_threshold": 1,
"channels": [
"reach_metric": "trp",
"ad_channel_code": "bvod",
"reach_curve_points": [
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"x": 30,
"y": 0.6
"formats": [
"ad_format_code": "bvod.tvc-15-sec",
"ad_format_mix": 0.6
"ad_format_code": "bvod.tvc-30-sec",
"ad_format_mix": 0.4



"ad_channel_code": "bvod",
"reach_metric": "trp",
"adjusted_reach_curve_points": [
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"x": 30,
"y": 0.51

View the API specification for the Attention-adjusted® reach curve endpoint here.

attentionPROVE® - Generate tags

The Tag API provides a quick and simple way to generate new tags that can be trafficked alongside live campaigns and enable access to live attention metrics via the reporting API.

When generating tags, we support a wide range of ad formats, and offer both JS and VAST tagging options.

Example JS tag request:

"campaign": "campaign-1",
"insertionOrder": "insertion-order-1",
"lineItem": "line-item-1",
"adFormat": "",
"tcf": true

Example JS tag response:

"js": "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_1195}&\"></script>",
"vastLinearWrapper": null,
"vastLinearEvents": null

View all available ad formats and other API specification for the tag generation endpoints here.

attentionPROVE® - Reporting

Our reporting API enables you to query campaign attention performance, supporting both overview and breakdown data allowing for inflight campaign optimisations.

Example publisher breakdown request with impression, average active attention and average passive attention metrics:


Example publisher breakdown response:

"breakdown": [
"value": "publisher1",
"metrics": {
"impressions": 123,
"avgActiveAttention": 1,
"avgPassiveAttention": 2
"value": "publisher2",
"metrics": {
"impressions": 123,
"avgActiveAttention": 1,
"avgPassiveAttention": 2

View all available metrics and other API specification for the report endpoints here.